Our company Metall-Service Ges.m.b.H. celebrates its 30th anniversary.
In honour of the occasion, the executive board of Metall-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. was visited by the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber (WKOÖ) on the 19.6.2020. The WKOÖ handed out the certificate of honour and congratulated us on this very exceptional event.

Dr. Gerald Stöger (Exectutive board of the sectors Automotive & Metall, WKOÖ),
Dr. Hans-Joachim Fahrngruber,
Mag. Klaus Reuter
(both executive board Metall-Service),
KR Engelbert Froschauer (Chairman machinery- & technology trading, WKOÖ)
(f. l. t. r.)
Aluminium recycling
We take over your aluminium scrap and lead it back into the circulation of the material.
Aluminium recycling
We take over your aluminium scrap and deliver aluminium ingots and aluminium sows back to you.
Magnesium recycling
We take over your magnesium scrap and lead it back into the circulation of the material.
Iron scrap (Fe)
We dispose and recycle all types of scraps like sheet scrap, heavy scrap, and foundry scrap.
Metal scrap (NE)
We take over all types of metal like aluminium, copper, brass, stainless steel, chromium steel, scrap lead, etc.
Barrel trading
Do you need steel barrels? We provide used steel barrels with a capacity of 200 litres (ADR/usable for dangerous goods, with a lid)
Reference samples
Our reference samples for the Optical Emission Spectrometer are aimed at the requirements of the aluminium and magnesium industry (e.g. die casting, foundries, and smelters). [more...]
Recycling of batteries
We dispose your old lead acid batteries (automobile batteries as well as forklift batteries) properly.
We do not offer the disposal of NiCd- and lithium-ion-batteries.
We accomplish your dismantlement professionally.
We are concerned with the recycling of aluminium and magnesium scrap. Moreover, we trade with FE- and NE-scrap and metals.
Contact us!
Thank you for visiting us!
Donation to ambulance service Samariterbund Linz for buying a new command vehicle
Press releases/links: Press release Facebook
Press release Homepage Samariterbund
Homepage Samariterbund Linz / Facebook Samariterbund OÖ
(press releases/links are in German.)
General agency of LMC Loos Michal Consulting for OES-Reference-Samples:
We provide Setting up Samples (SUS), Reference Material (RM) and Certified Reference Material (CRM) according to your requirements.
Read more at: www.referenzproben.at
Metall-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H.
30 Years of experience of recycling of all types of aluminium, magnesium and die-casting scrapand partner of the automotive industry.
We are ISO 9001 certified since 2014.
We are ISO 14001 certified since 2019.
Here you will find our certificates…
Deutsche Rohstoffagentur – Situation Magnesium
12/2019: Produktion Magnesiummetall in 25 Jahren verdreifacht (de)
08/2019: Länderkonzentration, Länderrisiko Raffinadeprodukte (de)
Press report “Erfahrungen fürs Leben” – Internship at Metall-Service
in: Bezirksrundschau Grieskirchen, Eferding – Nr 14-2018 (de)
The magazine “Business People” ranked Firma Metall-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. amoung the Top 1000 companies:
Business People – Fall 2017/Spring 2018 – Top 1000 (de)
Metall-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. amoung the Top 50 – companies of the district of Eferding (AT):
2017 – Top 50 companies Eferding (news-online.at – Vol 01/2017) (de)
2014 – Top 50 companies Eferding (news-online.at – Vol 12/2014) (de)
2011 – Top 50 companies Eferding (news-online.at – Vol 06/2011) (de)